One of the most significant and revered rituals on Amavasya is Tarpanam, a ritual of offering oblations of water and other offerings to one's ancestors or pitrus.

This act is believed to be a way to express reverence and gratitude to one's forefathers and seek their blessings for a harmonious life. It is also believed that performing Tarpanam on Amavasya can help alleviate Pitru Dosha, a condition where the ancestors' souls may be displeased or restless due to unfulfilled duties or unresolved issues in their lifetime.

New Moon and Spiritual Significance :-

Amavasya is considered a spiritually charged time when the moon is in alignment with the sun. It symbolizes a fresh start, making it an ideal day for introspection, prayer, and spiritual practices.

Feeding Cows :-

Apart from Tarpanam, another sacred act on Amavasya is feeding cows. Cows hold a special place in Hinduism and are often revered as a symbol of purity and divine grace. Offering food to cows on this day is believed to purify the mind and heart and enhance the effectiveness of one's prayers.

Amavasya is a time of spiritual significance and reflection, and performing Tarpanam and other sacred acts on this day can help individuals seek blessings for themselves and their ancestors, promote family harmony, and advance on the path of spiritual growth and salvation.

Feeding cows is an additional act of compassion and reverence that further enhances the prayers and offerings made on Amavasya.

By performing Tarpanam on Amavasya, individuals seek the well-being of their ancestors and hope to assist them on their path to moksha, or salvation. It is believed that when ancestors attain liberation, they can in turn bless their living descendants.
