Gomay Diya

How to use Gomay Diya

➣ This diya after lighting up will slowly light the body of the diya too and turns into ashes. Use the ash as manure for plants. These diyas can also be used as plant fertilizer / manure as they are 100% natural & chemical free.

Amazing benefits of Using with Ghee of Gomay Diya

Cow ghee when poured on burning Gomay diya produces the phenomenal amount of beneficial gases i.e. oxygen that fights pollution effectively and produces positive energy and makes the environment clean and healthy.
➣ It is used for Agnihotra sacrifices, hawan, poojas, vedic rituals & pujas.
➣ It burns well and easily.
➣ It is used as mosquito repellent.
➣ It is used to purify homes.

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